Classement WTR 2017

Individuals: prosecution and strategy : Sandra CABANNE : « Involved in the latter (i.e. national rail company SCNF, for which it has handled significant opposition proceedings before INPI and the EU Intellectual Property Office (EUIPO)), Sandra Cabanne operates flawlessly on both sides of the contentious/non-contentious divide and brings valuable design and unfair competition law knowledge to the table. Similarly versatile colleague Alexandre Nappey offers “precious advice and is a great defender of clients’ interests. He manages procedures with timeliness and true professionalism” ».

Accès clients

SCAN Avocats réinvente la relation client :
le cabinet a développé une application pour la gestion de certains types de dossiers (noms de domaine).

Le cabinet met à la disposition de ses clients un outil de consultation de leurs portefeuilles de titres.